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Family Events
Couples Retreat and Dinner
Over the years, countless couples have met, gotten engaged, or gotten married at Camp Mack. If you are a Camp Mack Couple, you’re invited to join in a time of celebration, relaxation, and growth. Lead by Aaron and Maria Alexander.
Date: February 15-16, time TBD
Mother Daughter Retreat

Music touches all generations through hymns, broadway, radio hits, and more. Enjoy karaoke, crafts and activities for all ages, a themed tea, and Sunday worship as part of this weekend.
Ages: Mothers, daughters, sisters, grandmas, and women of all ages. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Fees: $75 per child ages 5–8, $140 per person age 9 through adult.
Includes lodging and meals.
Dates: March 8-9, 2025 9a Saturday to 1p Sunday.
Grand Camp
Spend quality time bonding with your grandkids and making memories that will last a lifetime. This camp will provide a time for grandparents to make connections with their grandchildren through a variety of activities such as swimming, boating, hiking, games, campfires, crafts, storytimes, Bible studies, and even nap time! Due to supervision limitations, we ask that you bring no more than three grandchildren to this event. Registration opens February 1 at 7pm. Children must be registered by their parent/guardian.
Ages: Grandparents of all ages and grandchildren ages 5–10
Fees: $200 per grandparent and $140 per grandchild.
Dates: June 25-27, August 3-5, 2025 4p Day 1 to 1:30p Day 3

Colony Camp
Fun and fellowship for the whole family! Colony Camp is a great opportunity to experience some summer fun with your family before everyone heads back to school. Enjoy the planned group activities along with boating and swimming, or simply relax and spend quality time with family and friends. Bring your RV, tent, or use one of the cabins. Bring your own food and bedding, and enjoy a weekend at Camp Mack!
Ages: Families of all ages. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Fees: More info coming soon Camp lodging is available. No meals are provided by camp.
Date: August 15-17, 2025, 6p Friday to 1p Sunday

Labor Day Family Camp
This popular camp offers something for the entire family! Swimming, boating, crafts, and community worship are available, along with age-appropriate classes and discussion groups.
Ages: Families of all ages. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Fees: More info coming soon
Dates: Labor Day Weekend, August 29-September 1, 2025, 6p Friday to 1p Monday.

100th Anniversary-Family Day

Bring the family out for a free day of enjoying Camp Mack.
September 1, time TBD
Camp Mack Festival

Food, fellowship, and fun for the whole family. Enjoy a wide range of entertainment, demonstrations, crafts, food, and other activities. Shop the auction for artisan crafts and unique experiences. Handicap parking and transportation are available.
Free admission and parking. Festival proceeds support the mission of Camp Mack.
Fee: No charge
Date: Saturday, October 1, 2025 10a- 2p
Father Son Retreat

Join us for a great weekend at camp and spend time with your father/son. This year, we will be discussing the story of Peter and Cornelius and think about how we can go ‘All in’ for Christ. There will be plenty of time for awesome activities and good food!Ages: Fathers, sons, brothers, grandpas, and men of all ages. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Age: Fathers, sons, brothers, grandpas, and men of all ages! Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Fee: TBD
Date: October 12-13, 2024 . 9a Saturday -1p Sunday.

Arts, Crafts, and Hobbies
Board Games Weekend
Join us for a Board Games Get-A-Way Day
Pack your games for this adult gaming day. Learn new games or play a favorite. Late nights, strategy, and lots of snacks are waiting for you.
Get-A-Way Day 9a-4pm ($35), lunch included
Optional Friday night- 6p- close ($10)
Optional Saturday night- 4pm- close ($10)
Quilt Retreat

This is a unique opportunity for quilters of all ages to gather and share their expertise and love of quilting while enjoying the tranquil scenery of Camp Mack. All levels of quilters, from novice to expert, are invited! Due to facility limitations and distancing preferences, space is limited to the first 24 fully-paid quilters.
What to bring? Sewing supplies and projects, sewing machine, table light, show and tell items, bedding for a twin bed, towel, toiletries, etc.
What’s provided? 6- to 8-foot table and accessible power strip access, shared cutting tables and irons with ironing boards, devotions, optional guided project (April and October)
Fees: $190 per quilter arriving Friday evening, $215 per quilter arriving on Friday morning, $235 per quilter arriving on Thursday evening, $250 per quilter arriving on Wednesday evening (April and October only). Fee includes housing and scheduled meals.
2025 Dates: February 13-16, early arrival 3p Thursday-3p Sunday
April 23-27, October 15-19, early arrival 3p Wednesday to 3p Sunday.
Scrap & Craft Retreat

Crop and craft ‘til you drop with a weekend of crafting therapy. Bring the scrapbook and crafting projects you need to finish or may have been waiting for the perfect time to begin. Spread out your supplies and enjoy an uninterrupted time with fellow crafters. Bring your extra scraps, paper, stickers, and more to trade at the free table.
What’s provided?
Each participant will have a 7- or 8-foot table, power strip access, Wi-Fi, and trash can.
Fees: $190 per crafter arriving Friday evening, $215 per crafter arriving on Friday morning, $235 per crafter arriving on Thursday evening. Fee includes housing and scheduled meals.
2025 Dates: February 20-23, October 23-26, 6p Thursday (early arrival) to 3p Sunday.
Knitting & Crocheting Get-a-way Day

Get your daily dose of fiber at camp with all experience levels of knitters/crocheters. Bring your hooks/needles, patterns, and yarn and learn to knit or crochet, learn a new stitch, swap stories, and show off your favorite creations or T.O.A.D.
If your yarn stash is exploding, bring yarn and notions for the free table. Treasures to be found here.
Fee: $35, Lunch included
2025 Dates: February 22, October 25, 9a–4p
Scrapbooking Get-a-way Day

Join our scrap and craft retreat participants for a one-day option. Finish a couple pages for your scrapbook or a project you have been waiting to finish and find treasures at the free table.
Fee: $ 35, Lunch included
2025 Dates: February 22, October 25, 9a–4p

100th Anniversary- Adventure Day

Camp Mack’s wilderness area has over 100 acres that houses a variety of fun activities. This free day will have the opportunity for people to enjoy camp activities like archery, zip lining, rock wall, high ropes, hiking, and more.
Date: April 26, 2025 time and cost TBD
Sailing 101 Get-A-Way Day

Learn how to rig a Sunfish and basic sailing techniques. Review helpful knots and safety tips. Then, head out on Lake Waubee for some practical experience on our fleet of Sunfish. Take out a Laser sailboat for a little more fun.
Ages: 12 and older. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Meet at the John Kline Welcome Center before heading down to Becker Boating Beach at Camp Mack
Fee: $35 (Lunch included)
Date: August 16, 2025 9a–3p
*Bring a swimsuit, sunscreen and towel. You will get wet.
Advanced Sailing Get-A-Way Day

Advance your sailing experience during a camp sailing regatta with a variety of races and drills. We will review and practice the basics and then put our skills to use.
Please bring sunscreen, a towel, and water shoes or sandals. You will get wet!
Ages: 12 and older. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Fee: $35 (Lunch included)
Date: August 23, 9a–3p, 2025

Birdwatching Retreat

Enjoy the spring migration with birdwatchers of all ages. New and experienced birdwatchers will experience the various habitats and birds at camp opening night and before breakfast. Field trips fill the days with opportunities to see birds not found at camp.
Ages: Birdwatchers of all ages. Anyone under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Fees:. $185 for 2 nights and 4 meals, $140 for 1 night and 2 meals. Bring money for a restaurant meal on Friday evening.
Dates: May 1-3, 2025 6:30p Thursday to 2p Saturday.
Eagle Watch Get-A-Way Day

Prepare for an awesome eagle adventure as we travel to some well-known eagle locations near Mississinewa and Salamonie. Learn about their reintroduction and recovery efforts in Indiana and learn how to age an eagle that you see.
Ages: Birdwatchers of all ages. Anyone under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Date: February 16, 2025 1p-9p
Fee: $40, snacks/transportation included. Bring money for dinner on the drive home.
Register early. Please dress for the weather.
Free Wildflower Walk

Experience the changes in the wilderness area as spring puts on a beautiful show of wildflowers and blooming shrubs. Appreciate the trillium, bloodroot, spring beauties, hepatica, and others in bloom.
Ages: Family-friendly event
Fee: Free
Date: April 27, 2025, 2–4p
Free Fall Nut and Tree ID Walk

Explore and ID the trees in the Camp Mack woods. Crack and sample nuts along the trail.
When: October 26, 2025, 2-4p
Where: Meet outside Wampler Lodge at Camp Mack
Cost: Free and family friendly! No registration required.
*Come dressed for the weather.
Free Prairie Restoration Day

Prairie Restoration
Cut autumn olive and other invasive brush in the prairie and help return it to a healthy prairie.
When: October 18, 2025
Where: Meet outside Wampler Lodge at Camp Mack
Cost: Free (lunch included)
*Come dressed for the weather.
Sandhill Cranes Get-a-way Day

Travel with us to the Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife area. Observe upwards of 10,000+ cranes in the field from the observation platform as they fly in and dance while traveling along their migration route.
When: November 23, 2024, 1p-9p
Where: Meet at the John Kline Welcome Center at Camp Mack before going offsite.
Ages: 10 and older. Anyone under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Fees: $40, snacks and transportation included. Bring additional money for dinner on the drive home
Date: November 22, 2025, 1p–9p
*Come dressed for the weather. Bring binoculars. Bring money to stop for dinner at Christos on the way home.

Children and Youth
School Break Day Camps- Spring, Fall and Winter
Spend your school breaks with Camp Mack. Your day will be filled with fun exploring nature, doing crafts, enjoying free play, making new friends, playing games, and enjoying what camp has to offer.
Adult to child ratio of 1:10.
Grades: Kindergarten–5th grade
Fee: $150 with additional fees for before and after care. Scholarships are available to those receiving free or reduced lunch. For more info, contact
Dates: Spring Break: April 7-11, 2025
Fall Break: October 13-17 or October 20-24, 2025
Winter Break: December 29, 2025- January 2, 2026
Hours: 8:30a-3:30p with optional additional hours from 6:30-8:30a and/or 3:30-5:30p.
Snow Camp & Snow Camp Jr.

Enjoy all things snow related through games, crafts, snacks, and outdoor play. Please dress for the weather and bring a change of clothes.
Snow Camp Jr Ages: 5–12
Snow Camp- Grades 6-10
Fee: $35, includes lunch, snack, and all activities.
Date: Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9a–4p
Homeschool Outdoor Education Days- Monthly

Homeschool theme days are held every month from September through April. Pick from Monday or Wednesday each month. The program runs from 10a–5p.
Additional Information: The majority of the classes are outdoors. Please dress appropriately for the weather. An extra set of clothes in a backpack is recommended in case clothes get wet or dirty
Ages: 7–14
Fees: $25 (optional $5 sack lunch)
January 20 or 22
Water Wonders- From deep sea blobfish to freshwater jellyfish, there is so much to discover about the world below the surface of the water.
February 10 or 12
You Wood Not Believe It- Marvel at the amazing trees we have around camp, play fun games that teach about how trees defend themselves, and find out how to measure a tree.
March 10 or 12
Medieval Day- Travel back to the days of knights and dragons. Take a guess at how heavy medieval weaponry is, engage in medieval sports and games, and experience some of the earliest theatre.
April 14 or 16
Survival Day- Back by popular demand! We will build shelters, learn about survival priorities, and practice our fire starting skills.
Summer Camp Open House

Bring out the whole family for crafts, games, hayrides, and more. This is a great opportunity to introduce friends who have never been to Camp Mack to this special place.
May 4, 2025 time TBD

Spiritual and Fellowship
Senior Camper Day

Camp Mack is not just for kids! Older Adults are welcome to come out to enjoy the beauty of Camp Mack. Go for a walk along the lake, reminisce on the rocking chairs at John Kline, and more.
October 7, 2025 time TBD
Pastor’s Sabbath

The Sabbath experience at Camp Mack is a time of reflection, fellowship, personal meditation, and recreation for Church of the Brethren pastors. There’s plenty of time for fellowship with a balance of structured and free time!
Fee: $35 (Fee includes CEUs, lodging, and meals)
Dates: Dates coming soon!
Women’s Camp

Gather with women for a time of worship, reflection, and fellowship. Enjoy time at the campfire. Attend sessions led by a guest speaker to grow in faith. Participate in Love Feast. Leave feeling refreshed and recharged together.
Ages: Women of all ages. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Fees: $190 for 2 nights and 5 meals, $120 for 1 night and 3 meals, $82 for 1 day and 3 meals
Date: May 29-31, 2025, 4p Thursday to 12:30p Saturday.
Women Creating Community

Registration is now open for the 2024/2025 Women Creating Community Session. This year’s book study is “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brené Brown.

Wreaths and Swags Get Away

Are you ready to Deck your Halls? Make a traditional Williamsburg Wreath, Christmas wreath, or a swag using greens and fresh fruit to grace your door this Christmas season.
When: December 6, 2025, 9-Noon, lunch to follow
Where: Ulrich Lodge Basement at Camp Mack
Cost: $35 (Lunch and all materials included)
Leader: Karen Kauffman
*Bring work gloves.
Christmas Cookies Get Away Day

Fill your cookie jar for the holidays! Camp provides the ingredients, measuring utensils and mixing bowls. You bring the family (or not), mix the dough, sample cookies and sip hot chocolate. Best of all, camp cleans up the mess! Choose 4 batches of cookies (each makes about 3 dozen)
When: December 6 or 7, 2024. Choose from Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon or Sunday afternoon session
Where: John Kline Welcome Center at Camp Mack
Cost: TBD (Lunch and all baking materials included)
*Bring an apron and containers to take home your cookies. There are 3 sessions to choose from. Please choose from Saturday AM/PM or Sunday PM.
Calendar of Events
2025 Winter & Spring Events
- December 30-Jan 3- Winter Break Day Camp
- January 11- Virtual Camp Rep Meeting
- January 20/22- Homeschool Outdoor Ed
- January 25- Snow Camp and Snow Camp Jr.
- February 1- Summer Camp Registration Opens!
- February 10/12- Homeschool Outdoor Ed
- February 13-16- Quilt Retreat
- February 15-16- Couples Retreat and Dinner
- February 16- Eagle Watch Get-A-Way Day
- February 20-23- Scrap & Craft Retreat
- February 22- Knit & Crochet Get-A-Way Day
- February 22- Scrap & Craft Get-A-Way Day
- February 28-March 2- Board Games Weekend
- March 1- Volunteer Celebration
- March 8-9- Mother Daughter Retreat
- March 10/12- Homeschool Outdoor Ed
- April 7-11- Spring Break Day Camp
- April 14/16- Homeschool Outdoor Ed
- April 23-27- Quilt Retreat
- April 26- Adventure Day
- April 27- Wildflower Walk
- May 1-3- Birdwatchers Retreat
- May 4- Summer Camp Open House